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AvesEn españolFishFishingHuntingMammalsRegulationsResearchUrban WildlifeWaterfowlWetland

Articles Found: 26

A group of people fish on the shoreline of a lake. In the foreground, an African American man in a wheel chair holds a fishing rod and reel. To the right, a Caucasian man holds up a fish caught on the line from the man in the wheelchair.

Pesca Sin Límites de Chicago: Ayudando a Veteranos a Pescar

Organismos Acuáticos | Recreación | En español | Fishing

A hunter in camouflage gear holds up two successfully harvested Canada geese. She holds one in each hand. In the background is a closely grazed pasture against a woodland.

Convertirse en Cazador en Illinois

Recreación | Vida Silvestre | En español | Hunting

A scientist wearing orange waders stands in a boat on a river holding a large dark gray fish. In the background is a shoreline filled with trees against a partly cloudy sky.

La Carpa Negra en Illinois: Una amenaza invasiva para los ecosistemas nativos

Investigación | Organismos Acuáticos | Recreación | En español | Fishing

A group of children lined up along the edge of a dock over lake Michigan hold fishing rods and reels in hopes of catching a fish. In the background are Chicago skyscrapers.

Una Voz para los Pescadores

Organismos Acuáticos | Recreación | En español | Fishing | Urban Wildlife

A silver-gray fish rests in the black gloved hands of a biologist. In the background is a red bucket holding fresh water.

¿De dónde provienen las Truchas Arcoíris de Agua Dulce de Illinois?

Organismos Acuáticos | Recreación | En español | Fishing

A bright blue sky shines down and is reflected in a wetland. In the background is a line of trees on the horizon.

Un sueño realizado: casi 1,000 hectáreas añadidos al Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre Hackmatack

Personas | Recreación | Tierra | Vida Silvestre | En español | Wetland

A young man holds up a small gray and greenish black fish. In the background is a pond surrounded by trees.

Pescar con Presupuesto

Organismos Acuáticos | Recreación | En español | Fishing

Illinois Department of Resources staff sit at a booth to talk with people about fishing in Illinois.

Reclutamiento, Retención y Reactivación de Pescadores Recreativos en Illinois

Investigación | Organismos Acuáticos | Recreación | En español | Fishing | Research

A group of children and an adult pose together on top of an ice covered lake. The adult bends over and works to remove a hook from a fish caught while ice fishing.

La Pesca en Hielo es una Gran Actividad Invernal si se Practica de Forma Segura

Organismos Acuáticos | Recreación | En español | Fishing

A large truck pulling a freshwater tank with fish parks near a body of water. Fish flow down to the water from pipes pointed down from the stainless steel tank on the truck. People open lids on top of the tanks being hauled by the large truck. In the background are green leafy trees.

Guía de Regulaciones de Pesca 2024 Disponible

Organismos Acuáticos | Recreación | En español | Fishing | Regulations

A small duck with pink webbed feet and a green head with a white spot prepares to land on a wetland.

Simplificando la Identificación de Patos con GISS

Organismos Acuáticos | Recreación | Aves | En español | Hunting | Waterfowl

A mother and son pose next to the smokey the bear mascot while visiting the Illinois Department of Natural Resources Everyone Belongs in Nature tent. In the background are a few other folks talking to the staff and looking at the displays.

Una Noche para Recordar: IDNR en la Noche de la Herencia Hispana de los Chicago White Sox

Organismos Acuáticos | Personas | Recreación | En español | Fishing | Urban Wildlife

A tan and reddish tick perches on the edge of a leaf.

Garrapatas: La Conexión Indeseada entre las Personas, las Mascotas y la Vida Silvestre

Investigación | Recreación | Vida Silvestre | En español

Two people stand to the left in the foreground. One person holds a shotgun up to her shoulder and aims at the bright blue sky. The second person stands behind the individual aiming the shotgun. In the background is a grassland.

El Programa de Tiro Alado del DRN de Illinois: ¡Hay una Clínica para Ti!

Recreación | En español | Hunting

Two students from A-C Central (Ashland) hold up their catch.

Estudiantes Pescadores Participan en Torneos de Pesca en Illinois

Organismos Acuáticos | Personas | Recreación | En español | Fish | Fishing

A male Wood Duck, with his vibrant green and purple head feathers, is pictured sitting on the water surrounded by sticks.

El Pato Joyuyo: Una Historia de Éxito de la Conservación

Investigación | Recreación | Vida Silvestre | Aves | En español | Hunting | Research | Wetland

Two scouts open their map to best plan which direction to continue scouting for White-tailed Deer.

Exploración de Pretemporada para Ciervos en Illinois

Recreación | Vida Silvestre | En español

A young hunter wearing camoflage waits in a blind during turkey season.

Guía de Temporada de Caza

Personas | Recreación | Vida Silvestre | En español | Hunting

A beautiful rainbow trout of a good size sets lays within a net.

Trucha arcoíris: Una divertida salida a pescar para la familia

Organismos Acuáticos | Recreación | En español | Fishing

Two male tom turkey display for nearby hens in a grassy field.

Definiendo el “éxito” en la cacería: Lecciones aprendidas por una cazadora de pavos primeriza

Recreación | Vida Silvestre | Aves | En español | Hunting

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