Feb 3, 2025
On the timescale of nature, the passing of 100 years seems almost unimportant. But, the formation of the Illinois Department of Conservation, later to become the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, came at a time when coordinated action was needed to restore wildlife populations and manage those resources for the future.
MoreFeb 3, 2025
Regardless of the mechanism, it appears that the bison at Nachusa Grasslands are playing an important role in altering prairie habitat for species of concern, such as the Henslow’s sparrow. Learn how researchers are monitoring plant and animal community responses to grazing across the preserve to help unravel questions about the presence of bison on the prairie.
MoreFeb 3, 2025
Environmental Science students at Pontiac Township High School have been deeply involved in conservation for several years. They’ve drafted legislation, monitored water quality, planned roadside plantings, and consulted with hospital and state agencies. Now they have taken leadership of implementing the 30×30 America the Beautiful initiative in Illinois.
MoreFeb 3, 2025
Since 2018, Prairie Rivers Network has been documenting the effects of off-target herbicide exposure on Illinois’ plants and trees, logging more than 11,500 plant observations across 290 sites in Illinois. Everyone who cherishes the outdoors should be concerned as healthy habitats are the foundation of thriving wildlife populations and losing them to chemical trespass undermines conservation efforts, outdoor recreation and our shared heritage.
MoreFeb 3, 2025
Heidecke Lake State Fish and Wildlife Area is a popular destination for Chicago metro area anglers. Managing the nearly 1,955 acres of aquatic resources is undertaken through a lease agreement between the Illinois Department of Natural Resources and NRG Energy. Fisheries Manager Seth Love discusses the various surveys conducted on the lake and what those tell us about the angling opportunities.
MoreFeb 3, 2025
With unflagging effort, the seed rescuers venture forth. Facing brief windows of opportunity and other challenges, they collect the seed of the indigenous among the prairie plant communities in Illinois.
MoreFeb 3, 2025
What makes good aquatic habitat and how can you help make it happen? Illinois Department of Natural Resources District Fisheries Biologist Jim Garavaglia provides helpful insights for those interested in improving aquatic habitat in their personal pond and those thinking about building a pond.
MoreFeb 3, 2025
Building habitat on private land isn’t easy. That’s why when Barb Heyen wanted to improve part of the Hardin County property that has been in her family since the Civil War, she formed a “conservation team.” With the help of her team, 120 acres has been converted from low quality pasture to quail- and monarch-focused habitat.
MoreFeb 3, 2025
The serviceberry is truly a native plant for all seasons in Illinois. One of the earliest blooming shrubs in the spring, the blooms’ nectar and pollen provide an early source of nourishment to bees and other insects awakening from winter slumber. And come June, the fruits, which are actually called pomes, attract hungry American robins, cedar waxwings, turkey, quail and squirrels.
MoreFeb 3, 2025
Gray and fox squirrels share preferences for similar resources and cooccur throughout most of eastern North America. How much do these two species compete and how are they able to coexist? Studying the degree of overlap in the use of resources can give biologists a clearer understanding of the competitive pressures among species.