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AvesEn españolEndangered and Threatened SpeciesFishFishingHabitat Management or EnhancementHuntingRegulationsRivers and LakesUrban WildlifeWetland

Articles Found: 13

A group of people stand together and pose for a photo on a green lawn. In the background is a green leafy tree. In the foreground is a concrete sidewalk.

Restaurando Volo Bog

Personas | Tierra | En español | Wetland

A group children gather together around two children holding and examining two turtles.

¡Ahora en tres idiomas! Now in three languages! Teraz w trzech językach!

Personas | En español

A bright blue sky shines down and is reflected in a wetland. In the background is a line of trees on the horizon.

Un sueño realizado: casi 1,000 hectáreas añadidos al Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre Hackmatack

Personas | Recreación | Tierra | Vida Silvestre | En español | Wetland

A group of young adult students wade in a creek while holding a small net. In the background is a shoreline with vegetation.

A mother and son pose next to the smokey the bear mascot while visiting the Illinois Department of Natural Resources Everyone Belongs in Nature tent. In the background are a few other folks talking to the staff and looking at the displays.

Una Noche para Recordar: IDNR en la Noche de la Herencia Hispana de los Chicago White Sox

Organismos Acuáticos | Personas | Recreación | En español | Fishing | Urban Wildlife

On the canal in downtown Chicago, a fisherman in orange waders throws out a net while standing in a boat. In the background are skyscrapers against a partly cloudy morning sky.

“Carp-e diem”—Muestreo de Carpas Invasoras en el Río Chicago

Organismos Acuáticos | Personas | En español | Fish | Habitat Management or Enhancement | Rivers and Lakes | Urban Wildlife

A group of various species of wild ducks gathering at a wetland to forage for food. In the background is a tan grassy area.

El Arte Paga la Cuenta de los Patos

Personas | Vida Silvestre | Aves | En español | Hunting | Wetland

A black, gray, and white bird with long legs and beak perched on a log. In the background is a pond in front of a busy road.

La Historia de las Garzas Urbanas de Chicago: Una Maravilla Natural en el Corazón de la Ciudad; ¿Una Esperanza para el Futuro?

Investigación | Personas | Tierra | Vida Silvestre | Aves | En español | Endangered and Threatened Species | Urban Wildlife

A young, female piping plover stands at the edge of a dock, overlooking the sand.

Una cálida bienvenida para los chorlitejos silbadores

Personas | Vida Silvestre | Aves | En español | Endangered and Threatened Species | Habitat Management or Enhancement

Two students from A-C Central (Ashland) hold up their catch.

Estudiantes Pescadores Participan en Torneos de Pesca en Illinois

Organismos Acuáticos | Personas | Recreación | En español | Fish | Fishing

A young hunter wearing camoflage waits in a blind during turkey season.

Guía de Temporada de Caza

Personas | Recreación | Vida Silvestre | En español | Hunting

A close up of a large gray fish held by a biologist. The fish has a metal ring running through its bottom jaw.

¡ETIQUETA! (Esos Peces)

Investigación | Organismos Acuáticos | Personas | Recreación | En español | Fish | Fishing | Regulations

Several gray and silver fish leap into the air out of the river water. Green vegetation covers a shoreline in the background.

Come Bien, Elige Copi

Organismos Acuáticos | Personas | En español | Fish | Fishing

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