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A brown and white bald eagle soars on a sunny winter day. In the background are tree branches. On the top right, a logo celebrating Illinois Department of Natural Resources being established for 100 years overlays the image of the eagle.

Illinois Department of Natural Resources Centennial as a State Agency: 1925–2025

Aquatic Organisms | Land | People | Wildlife | 100th Anniversary | History of Conservation

A puddle of water is all that remains to a pond that dried up. Tall grasses make up the pond shoreline against a few trees in the background. A bright blue partly cloudy sky is overhead.

Tales From Beneath the Surface

Aquatic Organisms | Wildlife | Mammals | Rivers and Lakes

A tan, white, and black shorebird forages along a gravely shoreline. In the background is a calm freshwater lake.

A researcher standing on a concrete sidewalk holds a wild duck with a rusty red head and a black and gray body. In the background are various trees.

Meet the Staff: Mitch Oswald, Division of Wildlife Resources Field Operation Staff Head

People | Wildlife | IDNR Staff | Wildlife

Six brown bison graze on a prairie with pink flowers interspersed throughout.

Plant and Bird Responses to Bison Grazing at Nachusa Grasslands

Land | Research | Wildlife | Habitat Management or Enhancement | Mammals | Places to Visit | Prairie or Grassland

A mostly brown and speckled white hawk perches on a tree branch and peers up at the leafy autumn canopy.

In Taxonomy, the Only Constant is Change

Wildlife | Birds

A brown waterfowl bird with brown feathers swims on a relatively calm waters.

The Pied-billed Grebe

Wildlife | Birds | Rivers and Lakes

A group of high school aged students stand together in two rows. The teacher stands to the right of the students in the second back row.

Voices for the Future: Everyone Can Make a Difference

Aquatic Organisms | Land | People | Wildlife | Regulations | Youth

A group of people stand under the shade of a maple tree and discuss the operational plan of a prescribed burn. Most individuals are wearing fire retardant clothing. In the background is a small house, a trailer pulled by a pickup truck with fire fighting gear, and a gray car.

Barb Heyen Builds a Conservation Team

Land | People | Wildlife | Habitat Management or Enhancement

Dainty white flowers with five petals and little yellow centers are blossoming amongst new leaves on a bush in springtime.

Serviceberry: A native plant for all seasons

Land | Wildlife | Birds | Habitat Management or Enhancement | Mammals | Plants

In front of a woodland an adult male white-tailed deer with antlers stands alert. To the right of the male is an adult female white-tailed deer walking towards the edge of the woodland.

Why Are Deer So Successful in Illinois?

Recreation | Research | Wildlife | Deer | Hunting | Research | Wildlife Pick

A gray and orange squirrel sits in a green lawn and eats a nut. In the background are large rocks framing the edge of a driveway next to a gray car.

Nuts and Niches: How Two Illinois Squirrel Species Share the Landscape

Land | Research | Wildlife | Mammals | Research

A close-up photo of a wild turkey in full courtship display with a tail fanned and feathers puffed out along its body.

2025 Spring Wild Turkey Hunting Season Preview

Recreation | Wildlife | Hunting | Turkey

An adult male white-tailed deer is silhouetted against a bright orange sunset while walking across a fallow agricultural field.

Wildlife Research News

Research | Wildlife | Amphibians | Birds | Climate Change | Deer | Research

Three adult male wild turkeys stand in a fallow agricultural field in early spring. One is foraging for food, and the two other turkeys stand alert for potential predators. In the background is a wooded edge.

Change in Legal Shotguns for Hunting Wild Turkeys in Illinois

Recreation | Wildlife | Hunting | Regulations | Turkey

A gray, white shorebird with a black stripe on its forehead and on its collar stands on a sandy beach. The bird has bands around each leg identifying it for research purposes.

Endangered Piping Plovers Making History in Illinois

Land | People | Wildlife | Endangered and Threatened Species | Natural Heritage Pick | Places to Visit | Rivers and Lakes

A bald eagle with white feathers on its head and black feathers on its body perches on a tree branch against a bright blue sky.

Eagles Abound at the Fulton-Mason Eagle Day, February 1, 2025

Land | Recreation | Wildlife | Birds | Rivers and Lakes | wildlife viewing

Three young children stand in a duck hunting blind surrounded by sticks and brushy dried vegetation. In the background is an early morning sunrise over a freshwater lake and goose decoys stand at the water's edge.

Youth are the Future: Trends in Youth Hunting Participation in Illinois

Recreation | Wildlife | Hunting | Waterfowl | Youth

A hunter in camouflage gear holds up two successfully harvested Canada geese. She holds one in each hand. In the background is a closely grazed pasture against a woodland.

Becoming an Illinois Hunter

Recreation | Wildlife | Hunting

A gray and white bird with black on top of its head and under its chin perches on a tree branch.

When Bow Hunting Fails, Just Watch the Black-capped Chickadees

Recreation | Wildlife | Birds | Deer | Hunting

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