American Bittern with frog

August 1, 2017

Green River State Wildlife Area

In this series we examine Illinois state sites benefiting from sportsmen’s contributions through the Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration (Pittman-Robertson or PR) program. One of the largest, and longest running, projects is the Statewide Public Lands Wildlife Habitat Development Project (W-76-D), designed to create wildlife habitat on public lands, provide facility access and recreation opportunities, and establish wildlife management demonstration areas for Illinois citizens.

A badger near a freshly dug burrow.

Purchased in 1939, management of the unique ecological communities at Green River State Wildlife Area has evolved considerably. The original purchase was intended for management of the remnant population of greater prairie-chicken, as well as waterfowl, muskrats and rabbits. Today the site is managed to preserve high-quality wetlands and sand prairies, which includes the use of prescribed fire and herbicide applications to remove woody and invasive species. Learn more about wetlands.

A fire line near a road on a prescribed burn.
prescribed burn

Thanks to the aggressive management actions that are funded through a variety of funding sources, the Green River landscape and wildlife are rebounding, which ultimately improves recreational opportunities for the sportsman. Restoring quality grassland and wetland habitats also has enhanced the breeding habitat for non-game wildlife, including 13 Illinois threatened or endangered species.

Illinois Public Hunting Areas Report chart.

“We’re fortunate that The Nature Conservancy’s Nachusa Grassland is nearby,” remarked Illinois Department of Natural Resources District Wildlife Biologist Frank Ostling, “and that their staff has been generous with providing locally grown grass and forb seed necessary to reclaim the vegetative structure at Green River.”

Ostling continued by touting improvement in the site’s hunting opportunities as a result of the land management actions.

“Our hunting programs continue to be quite popular, and with funds provided by W-76-D we are able to plant fields of sunflowers each spring, which results in the harvest of a couple thousand doves each fall.”

Available Game Species

Species available are dove, squirrel, rabbit, quail, pheasant, wild turkey deer, crow, fox, raccoon, coyote, opossum and skunk.

About the Site

A map of Illinois with a star indicating Green River State Wildlife Area.

Green River State Wildlife Area

375 Game Road

Harmon, IL 61042

(815) 379-2324

County: Lee


Directions: To reach Green River State Wildlife Area, travel 13 miles south of Dixon on Route 26, then turn right (west) and travel 3 miles on Maytown Road to the site entrance.


Kathy Andrews Wright is retired from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources where she was editor of Outdoor Illinois magazine. She is currently the editor of Outdoor Illinois Wildlife Journal and Illinois Audubon magazine.

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