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A white shed white-tailed deer antler resting on the ground on top of leaf litter and brown dried grasses.

Hunting Sheds

Recreation | Hunting

An angler holds up a large tan fish in front of his torso with both of his hands. In the background is a freshwater lake and a shoreline filled with lush green trees and shrubs against a bright blue sky.

Illinois’ Prairie Bonefish – Carp on the Fly

Aquatic Organisms | Recreation | Fishing | Rivers and Lakes

A young African American boy holds a fishing rod and reel in his right hand and holds up a small green fish caught on the line in his left hand. In the background is a grassy area surrounded by trees against a partly cloudy bright blue sky.

A Beginner’s Guide to Fishing Illinois: Finding Prairie State Fishing Spots

Aquatic Organisms | Recreation | Fishing

A man wearing tan waders stands in shallow water of a pond. In front of the man is a wire mesh enclosure protecting native aquatic plants so they can become established.

Good Habits for Good Aquatic Habitat

Aquatic Organisms | Land | Recreation | Fishing | Habitat Management or Enhancement

On a bright sunny day four children and two adults stand on the edge of a lake. The two adults help the children with fishing rods and reels.

Seasonal Fishing Instructors Kickstart a Lifetime of Fishing

Aquatic Organisms | Recreation | Fisheries Pick | Fishing

In front of a woodland an adult male white-tailed deer with antlers stands alert. To the right of the male is an adult female white-tailed deer walking towards the edge of the woodland.

Why Are Deer So Successful in Illinois?

Recreation | Research | Wildlife | Deer | Hunting | Research | Wildlife Pick

A close-up photo of a wild turkey in full courtship display with a tail fanned and feathers puffed out along its body.

2025 Spring Wild Turkey Hunting Season Preview

Recreation | Wildlife | Hunting | Turkey

Three adult male wild turkeys stand in a fallow agricultural field in early spring. One is foraging for food, and the two other turkeys stand alert for potential predators. In the background is a wooded edge.

Change in Legal Shotguns for Hunting Wild Turkeys in Illinois

Recreation | Wildlife | Hunting | Regulations | Turkey

A woman wearing a navy blue backpack hikes through a spring woodland along a trail.

Contracting Lyme Disease Now May Be Linked to Mental Health Symptoms Later

People | Recreation | Ticks

A bald eagle with white feathers on its head and black feathers on its body perches on a tree branch against a bright blue sky.

Eagles Abound at the Fulton-Mason Eagle Day, February 1, 2025

Land | Recreation | Wildlife | Birds | Rivers and Lakes | wildlife viewing

Three young children stand in a duck hunting blind surrounded by sticks and brushy dried vegetation. In the background is an early morning sunrise over a freshwater lake and goose decoys stand at the water's edge.

Youth are the Future: Trends in Youth Hunting Participation in Illinois

Recreation | Wildlife | Hunting | Waterfowl | Youth

A hunter in camouflage gear holds up two successfully harvested Canada geese. She holds one in each hand. In the background is a closely grazed pasture against a woodland.

Becoming an Illinois Hunter

Recreation | Wildlife | Hunting

Three young men stand in a fishing boat. One individual holds up two large green fish one in each hand. Two other individuals stand and hold fishing rods and reels at the front of the boat trying to catch fish.

Bass Fishing a Growing Competitive Sport for Youth

Aquatic Organisms | Recreation | Fishing | Youth

A mowed path dissects a prairie in two. On the mowed path stands a hunter with his black Labrador dog and a Conservation Police officer wearing a black jacket and cap. The two individuals talk and interact with a bright blue sky overhead.

CPO Field Checks

People | Recreation | Hunting | Regulations

A gray and white bird with black on top of its head and under its chin perches on a tree branch.

When Bow Hunting Fails, Just Watch the Black-capped Chickadees

Recreation | Wildlife | Birds | Deer | Hunting

Two Illinois conservation police officers stand on a boat. One officer drives the boat while the other stands with his hands together. In the background is a foggy Chicago skyline.

Snagging Salmon, A Fall Tradition

Aquatic Organisms | Recreation | Fishing | Places to Visit | Regulations | Rivers and Lakes

A grassland divided by a mowed path traveling back to a forest. Above is a bright partly cloudy blue sky.

Much Like in Real Estate, the First Rule in Trapping is LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION!

People | Recreation | Wildlife | Mammals | Trapping

A damp brown furred water loving muskrat stands partially submerged in a wetland surrounded by vegetation in the water.

The Muskrat, A Wetland Architect

Land | Recreation | Wildlife | Mammals | Trapping | Wetland

A scientist wearing orange waders stands in a boat on a river holding a large dark gray fish. In the background is a shoreline filled with trees against a partly cloudy sky.

Black Carp in Illinois: An invasive threat to native ecosystems

Aquatic Organisms | Recreation | Research | Fishing | Habitat Management or Enhancement | Rivers and Lakes

An illustration of an autumn view looking over prehistoric Mississippi river. In the foreground are Native American people gathering acorns under an oak tree framing the image to the top right. A village with homes is in the background at the foot of tall bluffs overlooking the large bottomland on either side of the river. In the far background are bluffs on the other side of the river against a blue sky filled with migrating waterfowl.

Illinois’ River-based Natural Divisions: Lower Illinois River

Land | Recreation | Wildlife | Birds | Fishing | Habitat Management or Enhancement | Hunting | wildlife viewing

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