Large Carnivores as Rare Illinois Visitors—Mountain Lion, Gray Wolf and Black Bear Q&A
Film date:
August 12, 2020
Stefanie Fitzsimons from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources
Produced by:
Laura Kammin
Kathy Andrews Wright
Edited by:
Sarah Marjanovic
Questions received in advance of the conversation are listed below, with the time noted should you desire to fast-forward to a topic of interest.
1:14 A brief overview of the history and recent occurrences of three large carnivores—black bears, gray wolves and mountain lions—infrequently occurring in Illinois.
2:17 Mountain lion
3:35 Gray wolf
4:48 Black bear
6:20 Does Illinois have suitable habitat to support even a small population of any of these large carnivores?
7:49 Black bears, gray wolves and mountain lions are Illinois protected species.
9:02 What should the public do to if they see a black bear, gray wolf or mountain lion, or find potential sign such as tracks or scat?
10:12 How to react if a black bear, gray wolf or mountain lion is sighted in Illinois.
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Kathy Andrews Wright is retired from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources where she was editor of Outdoor Illinois magazine. She is currently the editor of Outdoor Illinois Wildlife Journal and Illinois Audubon magazine.
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