How would the world be different if we each did our part to support wildlife, fish and natural landscapes? That's our starting point. The articles in OutdoorIllinois Journal are all created to educate and to inspire you to get outside and make a positive impact in your yard and local community. With each issue we share content about wild places for you to explore in Illinois, showcase hunting and fishing opportunities, highlight the latest in wildlife research, give tips for improving habitat as well as connect you to the professionals and volunteers devoted to conserving Illinois' natural heritage. So what have we got for you this month? May is Invasive Species Awareness month in Illinois. Invasive species—Callery pears, mute swans, bush honeysuckle and garlic mustard, to name a few—become especially conspicuous in the spring. To increase awareness of these organisms, many of the articles in the May issue highlights how natural resource professionals and volunteers are working to combat the spread of invasive species with the goal of protecting Illinois’ native flora and fauna. But that’s not all you’ll find in the May issue. Find a comfortable spot to sit for a few moments to explore the Northeastern Morainal Natural Division and examine bogs—one of Illinois’ most unique habitats. Your virtual tour of that corner of the state continues with stories about two individuals who are using fishing to spark a conservation passion in youth. And then expand your exploration of Illinois with a story on what biologists learned about the two young male mountain lions that roamed into Illinois in 2022.
Then keep on reading because the May issue is packed with interesting stories…prescribed fire, Asian carp control programs, herbicide drift, monarch butterflies, forest-dwelling songbirds, wetland restoration, the health impacts of Lyme disease, coyotes, white-tailed deer, ground squirrels, wild turkeys, dragonflies, orioles, fishing the Ohio River and much more. Thanks for subscribing to the Outdoor Illinois Journal newsletter. Below you'll find a selection of articles we thought you would enjoy. If you like what you read, share with a friend. And then explore the many other articles you will find at OutdoorIllinois Journal. Got here by mistake? No worries. Just click the unsubscribe button below.
May 1, 2023 | habitatmanagementenhancement
The History of Illinois Invasive Species Awareness Month
Christopher Evans
May is Invasive Species Awareness Month in Illinois. Why do we even need an invasive species awareness month? Why is it in May? How and when did it get started? Find the answers by clicking “More.”
May 1, 2023 | fish, fishing, invasivespecies
On the Prowl for Invasive Carp in Chicago
Claire Snyder
We’ve all heard of looking for a needle in a haystack. But what about looking through a haystack for a needle that may or may not be there? For the Seasonal Intensive Monitoring project, that’s exactly what it’s like to seek out invasive carp in Chicago.
May 1, 2023 | birds, wildlifehealth
Understanding the Impacts of Invasive Mute Swan Populations in Illinois
Eric Ness
First introduced to North America in the late 1800s, these exotic swans quickly became invasive, with our native ecosystems unprepared and native wildlife ill-equipped to cohabitate with them.
May 1, 2023 | mammals
A Tale of Two Big Cats: What We Learned About the Mountain Lions in Illinois in 2022
Laura Kammin
Sightings of mountain lions are rare in Illinois, but historically they were one of the top predators in the state. Since 2002, there have been eight confirmed occurrences of mountain lions in Illinois, including two males that made their way to Illinois in 2022.
May 1, 2023 | fishing
Mrs. Rice, The Fishing Teacher, Inducted into Illinois Hall of Fame
Kathy Andrews Wright
A visitor to Mrs. Rice’s first grade classroom in May will find lessons centered on fish with students anticipating a field trip to a local lake where many will catch their first fish. For her work, Rice was recently inducted into the Illinois Conservation Foundation Hall of Fame.
May 1, 2023 | habitatmanagementenhancement, research, wildlifehealth
Monarch Butterfly Study Provides Recommendations for Habitat Development
David Zaya
The iconic monarch was the subject of a three-year study to determine what types of grasslands and management actions can contribute most to monarch conservation and note the habitat conditions where the most monarchs use occurred.